Axolotls are not fish but amphibians from the family Ambystomatidae (order Caudata).
Their scientific name is Ambystoma mexicanum. The name ‘axolotl’ comes from the Nahuatl language, meaning ‘water dog’. They are part of a group of salamanders known as mole salamanders due to their burrowing behaviour.
They are lentic, meaning they inhabits still-water lakes. They are native to freshwater lakes like Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco in Mexico City. Axolotls are sensitive to temperature changes and prefer cooler waters.
They are neotenic, meaning they retain juvenile features throughout their adult life. They are often referred to as the “Mexican walking fish” (due to their appearance) despite being amphibians, not fish.
Axolotls have a unique walking style, using their limbs to ‘glide’ along the bottom of their aquatic environment.

They have four limbs, with the front limbs being slightly longer than the hind limbs. They have a lateral line system, similar to fish, which detects vibrations in the water.
Axolotls have the extraordinary ability to regenerate lost body parts, including limbs and organs. Axolotls have the extraordinary ability to regenerate lost body parts, including limbs and organs.
Axolotls have the ability to regrow the same limb up to five times, according to some studies.
Unlike other amphibians, axolotls do not undergo metamorphosis and remain aquatic their entire lives.
They can range in size, but typically grow to be around 15 to 23 cm long.
They are sensitive to light and prefer dimly lit environments. Axolotls are carnivorous.
Their diet includes worms, insects, and small fish. Axolotls have a slow metabolism and can go weeks without food if necessary. Axolotls are critically endangered in the wild, with an estimated 1,000 axolotls remain in the wild.
Axolotls have a unique smile-like facial expression. They can change their regular cells into stem cells for regeneration. Axolotls are resistant to cancer, which is rare among animals.
They have a relatively long lifespan for an amphibian, living anything from 10 to 15 years, both in the wild and in captivity. Axolotls have a variety of grunts, chirps and clicks, which they use to communicate.
Axolotls have a large DNA genome, approximately ten times larger than that of humans, with over 32 billion individual DNA strands.
They are popular pets due to their unique appearance and characteristics. Although they are popular pets, they require specific care to thrive in the aquarium trade. Axolotls can suffer from a condition called “axolotl stress syndrome” if not properly cared for.
Axolotls can’t blink because they don’t have eyelids. Axolotls can’t blink because they don’t have eyelids. They can change their colour depending on their diet and environment.
Axolotls have fully functional lungs and gills. Axolotls have feathery gills which they use to breathe underwater. These feathery gills on their heads are a distinctive feature. They can also breathe air through their lungs if necessary.
They have webbed feet and a long tail to aid with swimming. They have a powerful sense of smell, which helps them locate food. Axolotls have a poor sense of sight, relying more on their other senses.
They are typically nocturnal, preferring to hunt and be active at night. Axolotls have inspired works of science fiction due to their intriguing nature. Axolotls are solitary creatures and only come together to mate.
Axolotls reproduce up to three times a year, but it all depends on whether the animals are living in the wild or in captivity. Female axolotls can lay up to 1,000 eggs at a time.
Axolotls’ habitat loss is primarily due to water pollution and invasive species. Conservation efforts are underway to protect the remaining wild population of axolotls.
Axolotls lack teeth, despite their varied diet. They use a very strong suction to catch their prey, drawing water and food into their mouths. They were once considered gods in Aztec mythology.

In Aztec mythology, the axolotl is thought to be a manifestation of the god Xolotl, who was associated with lightning and fire.
Axolotls have inspired numerous works of literature and art. They are a symbol of the city of Mexico and are featured in many cultural references and merchandise.
Predators includes certain species of birds that swoop down and lift them out of the water, as well as large fish like tilapia and perch.